I Made Suraharta


Transport models are crucial in the transportation planning process. Transport model is made by adjusting the needs and availability of data and capability models in representing the real conditions and the future. Transportation models commonly used in transportation planning mechanism is the sequential demand models, which include the trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, and traffic assignment. This model is suitable to be applied to various situations study areas, especially areas of the city. For intercity regional planning needs, modeling the sequential demand can be simplified into a direct demand model, the record is not much involved in modeling mode. In this study, the authors tried to develop a model of a direct demand models to represent the pattern of movement of people with other modes of road in West Java. The proposed transport model is a function of population, GDP, total number of trip generation traffic zone, the total transportation costs (generalized cost). Model results show the validity of the development of significant and can be used as a travel demand model for transportation planning.

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