Firdasari Firdasari
Techniques and methods of cost control and project schedule that quickly reveals the deviation is by using analysis of variance and earned value concept. Using the applications such as Microsoft Access program to support the control techniques is required. But how to apply Microsoft Access in the control of construction projects with the calculation method of analysis of variance and earned value concept, so as to provide information on the implementation of the project quickly and accurately. The purpose of this study was to plan a construction project control method by using analysis of variance and earned value concept through the application of Microsoft Access. Data required in this plan is secondary data in the Budget Plan, time schedule, and report project progress every week. The data obtained will then be categorized based on indicators BCWP (Budgeted Cost of Work Performed) and BCWS (Budgeted Cost of Work Schedule) for each work item, whereas for indicators ACWP (Actualt Cost of Work Performed) is assumed to be based on the percentage of profit to be used. The data are entered into a Microsoft Access program that can be known variance and variance cost and schedule performance index cost and schedule performance index, the remaining cost estimates and total cost estimates. The result achieved is a software application that presents information about the project progress report every week. There are 6 weeks the value of cost variance (CV) is positive and schedule variance (SV) is zero, 13 weeks for the value of schedule variance (SV) is positive and cost variance (CV) is positive, 3 weeks to schedule variance (SV) is negative cost variance ( CV) is positive and 14 weeks for schedule variance (SV) is negative and cost variance (CV) is negative.
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© Jurnal Teknik Sipil Unaya : Published by Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama, Aceh, Indonesia. 2019