Beberapa Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Motivasi Tenaga Kesehatan di Badan Layanan Umum Daerah Rumah Sakit Ibu Dan Anak Banda Aceh

Yulianda Yulianda, Sitti Raha Agoes Salim, Amru Nasution


The purpose of this study was to analyze some factors which are correlated with health care providers satisfaction in the regional public service board of mother and child hospital Banda Aceh. The research was a qualitative survey with cross sectional study design. The samples were 75 respondents, taken by using proportional random sampling technique. The data were gathered by conducting interviews and questionnaires and analyzed by using chi square test. The result of the research there was significant correlation between health care providers’ performance and their motivation, between reward and health care providers’ motivation, between responsibility and health care providers’ motivation, between supervision and health care providers’ motivation, and between compensation and health care providers’ motivation at the Mother and Child Hospital Banda Aceh. Personnel’s productivity plays an important role in increasing performance which influences efficient and effective organization. Therefore, it is recommended the Director of the Hospital hold meeting with once a month by giving various motivations to them in order to improve their helath performance and have dialogs with them by giving input and suggestions for the organization development.

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