Studi Comperative Kualitas Hidup Lansia Yang Tinggal Di Masyarakat Dengan Lansia Yang Tinggal Di Rumoh Seujahtra Geunaseh Sayang Kecamatan Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh

Yadi Putra, Riyan Mulfianda, Nurul Akbar


Quality of life is a general welfare both objective and subjective with regard to physical, psychological, economic, and social. The results of interviews with three elderly people said that they live in a home of their own free will, they do not want to make it difficult for their children to take care of it, because of busy work so that the elderly have no place to communicate, feel lonely, bored, uncomfortable, and physical conditions have declined. The elderly said that it was uncomfortable to live with their daughter-in-law, and there were elderly people who lived alone on stilts and chose to live in a nursing home. The purpose of this study was to determine the Difference in the Quality of Life of Elderly People Living in Communities and Elders Living in Rumoh Seujahtra Geunaseh Sayang Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh. This research is analytic comparative with cross sectional study approach, collecting data by purposive sampling of 58 respondents. The study was conducted on October 20-28, 2018. The instrument was a questionnaire. Data analysis is carried out by means of univariate and bivariate. The results of the study showed no difference in the quality of life of the elderly living in the community with the elderly living in Rumoh Seujahtra Geunaseh Sayang P-Value = 0.712. Researchers suggest that comprehensive care be undertaken for the elderly to improve quality of life.

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