Tingkat Degradasi dan Depresiasi Ikan Tuna Madidihang di Pesisir Utara Aceh

Muhammad Masrizal, Agus Naufal


The purpose of this study is to look at the sustainable potential, and the rate of degradation and depreciation of Madidihang Tuna fish in Kutaraja Lampulo PPS Banda Aceh. The method used in this study includes: stock assessment using the Clarke Yoshimoto Pooley (CYP) model. The results of the analysis showed that the fishing of Madidihang Tuna in the Kutaraja Ocean Fisheries Port (PPS) indicated that it had exceeded its conservation potential (MSY). The actual production yield was 1,476.78 tons / year while the sustainable level of production was 1,120.42. Whereas in MEY with 1,428.22 trips / year, production reached 1,120.29 tons / year. From 2009-2010 it has experienced degradation and depreciation because the number has exceeded the tolerance value of 0.5. While from 2011-2017 it was still below the tolerance value but continued to increase from year to year with an average rate of degradation and depreciation of 0.27. And it is predicted that if the efforts made are not reduced then in the future Madidihang Tuna fish is predicted to be exhausted.

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