Pemanfaatan Panel Surya Sebagai Perangkat Konversi Energi Untuk Pengecas Gawai di Tempat Umum

Darwis A.R


Nowadays, gadget is an important tool for everyone, especially for those who have high mobility. However, the device often experiences battery problem i.e. it must be recharged. To recharge the battery in a public place, the gadget cannot be separated from the owner’s supervision for some security reasons. On the charging devices in public places does it apply RFID module as a security sistem in the room. Information obtained from RFID will be delivered to the Arduino Uno module to be processed and transmitted to the relay module which will access to appropriate charging room. Solar panel is a device to convert power sources from this tool. Solar energy is converted into DC (Direct Current) on the solar panels. Electric energy is transmitted to the Solar Charge Control to regulate the voltage entering the battery. After being in the form of DC in the battery, the current is converted into AC (Alternating Current) by an inverter with 220 V. From the test results, two batteries of 12 V 7.2 Ah can be fully charged for 6 hours.

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