Erizal Kurniawan, Lisah Jannah, Musran Musran, Syahrinursaifi Syahrinursaifi


Short distance runners are not only required to have a good physical component of running speed, but body mass index must be taken into account and affect running speed. Selection of short-distance runners athletes body dimensions must be in the mesomorph body type. The purpose of this study was to determine the anthropomentry of body mass index in Aceh Besar short distance runners. This study uses a quantitative approach method with descriptive type. The population and sample of this study were short-distance running athletes totaling 10 people with total sampling technique. Data collection of this study through body mass index measurement tests (IMT) and 100 meter running speed. The results showed that: 1) the average body mass index (IMT) of Aceh Besar running athletes is 20.1, has a BB Less with a frequency of 4 athletes (40%) and normal BB with a frequency of 6 athletes (60%), and (2) the average 100 meter running speed is 14.46 seconds, the fastest time is 12.2 seconds. The conclusion of the study is that the average body mass index of Aceh Besar running athletes is 20.1 in the normal category (60%) and produces an average 100 meter running speed of 14.46 seconds


Anthropometry, Body Mass Index, Athletics

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