Aceh Provincial Health Office in 2019, new HIV cases in Aceh have reached 49 people and new AIDS cases have reached 79 people, while the cumulative cases of HIV/IADS reached 600 people with a mortality rate of 309 or 51.5% of the number of people living with HIV/AIDS. One of the factors that influence the occurrence of HIV/AIDS among adolescents is the lack of accurate information. Education about how AIDS is transmitted and prevented is the main weapon against HIV/AIDS, because no treatment or vaccine can prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. One form of education for adolescents is through health counseling where the counseling that can be given is counseling on reproductive health, especially HIV/AIDS. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the level of knowledge between the lecture method and the use of animated videos in HIV/AIDS health counseling to students at MAN 4 Jeunieb District, Bireuen Regency in 2021. This type of research is quasi-experimental, using a two-group pretest posttest design, the research was carried out on 8 to 9 June 2021. The population in this study was all students of class X, XI and XII Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Jeunib District, Bireuen Regency, with sampling using proportional random sampling technique as many as 82 people who are divided into two groups. The results showed that there was a difference in the level of knowledge between the lecture method and the use of animated videos in HIV/AIDS health education to students with p-value = 0.000. It is hoped that this research can provide significant information for teachers and UKS officers in conducting socialization for students/adolescents about the negative impacts caused by HIV/AIDS in the school environment.
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