Hubungan Perilaku Remaja Putri Terhadap Efek Penggunaan Obat Pereda Nyeri Haid

Ambia Nurdin, Zakiyuddin Zakiyuddin


Menstrual pain (dysmenorrhoea) is a symptom that causes young girls to go to the doctor for consultation. School data obtained as many as 12 people (10%) of the number of female students experienced menstrual pain every month. Research Objective to see the correlation between knowledge, attitude and action of young woman of MTsN Blang Balee of Samatiga Sub-district of West Aceh Regency on the effect of using menstrual pain medication. The research method is analytic with Cross Sectional approach. The research population is 60 people in Stratifiet Random Sampling of 54 respondents, the research was conducted in February 2015. Data collection using questionnaires was analyzed using Chi-Square test. The results of the study found good respondents to the effects of using pain relief medication (79.6%), good knowledge (64,8%), less good (55,6%), good behavior (64,8%) %). Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that there is a correlation between knowledge to the behavior of adolescent girls on the effect of the use of pain reliever pain medication marked with P-Value = 0,04 <α (0,05), there is correlation between attitude toward teenage behavior on drug effect pain relief painter is characterized by the value of P-Value = 0.01 <α (0.05). There is a correlation between action toward teenage girl behavior on the effect of usage of pain reliever pain medication marked with value P-Value = 0,004 <α (0,05). Can provide information on the effects of menstrual pain medication and information on commonly used drugs as well as the effects of each drug on its use

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